The Path...

A person must have drive for something, else one will falter from the path. Strength and determination of spirit is needed to fuel this drive.

But remember, nobody will assist you in this path, this is a path you have to walk alone. Many a times your wings will be clipped, many a times will you fall into despair. Never dwell on these failures. Keep striving to move forward.

But during your travel, don't lose yourself; don't forget your friends/loved ones. They will be your angels and your demons.

But remember the only path that leads to the castle is one in which one must either step over the ones who have fallen. If you falter then you will stay on this path only to pave the road for those who have the will to make it.

But I wonder - is this an endless path, if not then what can we possibly hope to gain at its end?

1 comment:

  1. Of course this is an endless path... n as they say " It s the journey that matters more than the destination!!! " :D :D :D
